Low Quality Prints

Why will my print be low quality?

Providing you with beautiful photos that you can cherish is a top priority! The quality of your printed photos is directly related to the resolution of the images on your phone. If a photo has a low resolution, you can expect the quality of the print to be poor as well.

If we detect the possibility that a photo risks having a poor print quality, a yellow or red exclamation mark will appear over the photo. Depending on the image, you can try and zoom out to improve the resolution of the image.

It is also a good idea to know where the photo you are printing came from. If this is a photo you took yourself, then you can assume the quality will be great. If, however, the photo was sent to you via email or text message or should the image be downloaded from a site online or a screenshot, please know that the quality might not be as crisp as you’d like. For photos sent to you, you can ask the person to send the image to you in its original size.

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