Print Quality

Making sure your photos are printed with the best quality

We strive to give you the best experience from beginning to end with great quality prints. While results may vary depending on the printer ink levels and the quality of the submitted photos, you do not have to accept or pay for prints that you deem unsatisfactory.

In-store Pickup

  1. For orders submitted with an in-store pickup in your local store, we encourage our customers to review the contents of their envelopes and the quality of their prints before purchasing the photos and leaving the store.
  2. If you are unhappy with any of your prints or if they look grainy, blurry, dark or pixelated, please know that photo centers have a satisfaction guaranteed policy and you can either request a reprint or choose to refuse those photos.
  3. If you discover that your prints are unsatisfactory after leaving the store, you can also return to your local store where you printed your photos with the prints and the receipt. They will provide you with a replacement or refund. Depending on the store, please either go straight to the Photo Center or to the register.

NB: Refunds for poorly printed photos can only be provided by the store from which they were initially purchased. It is not possible to receive credit on the app, nor is it possible to return photos to a different store for reimbursement.

Home delivery

  1. If the photos you receive are poorly printed, you may request a reprint by sending an email to [email protected] within 30 days of the receipt of the defective photos. Please be sure to include a photo of defective prints.
  2. NB: Please note that prints are not considered poorly printed if the photos submitted to the Photo Print app are themselves defective (i.e., blurry or out of focus, improperly cropped, corrupted data, etc.).
  3. If you do not wish to receive a reprint of any defective photos, you may request a refund via email to [email protected]. Again, please be sure to include an attached photo of the poorly printed pictures.

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