Order Not Found in Store

I went to my Photo Center to pick up my photos and they are not there

We are terribly sorry that you went to your store to pick up an order only to be told that it didn’t exist in the store. This is very unusual. However, when customers find themselves in this situation, a few scenarios are possible:

  1. The upload for the order was unsuccessful or did not finish.
  2. The customer accidentally sent the order to the wrong store.
  3. The Photo Center technician overlooked the order or filed it incorrectly.

An Incident with the Upload

The fastest way to know whether or not there was a problem with the order upload is to check whether or not you received an email with the subject “Order confirmed!”. The reception of this email indicates that the order successfully uploaded and it provides you with a summary of which formats and how many of each were ordered, which store your order has been sent to, and the estimated pickup time.

If you haven’t received this email, there is a chance that something went wrong with the upload or that your photos have not finished uploading. To confirm this assumption, you can reopen the Photo Print app and verify the status of your order in the order history section. If the status is still “Uploading your photos” or showing “Sending your beautiful photos”, this would indicate that the upload is on-going.

Please note that the time it takes to upload your photos to the server is dependent on a few factors:

  1. You must have a strong internet connection. We suggest a personal WIFI connection or at least 3g/4g. (Public WIFI connections, as well as commercial WIFI hotspots, are often insufficient for the upload.)
  2. The Photo Print application should remain open and in use and your phone should be on. (If your phone goes to sleep, the order will also pause.)

NB: Keeping the application open is a specific requirement for iPhone users as applications cannot continue to work in the background for iOS devices. Orders submitted with all of the above criteria met are usually uploaded within seconds or, at most, a few minutes for large orders.

If your order status was still “Uploading your photos”, the act of reopening the app will have automatically restarted the upload. We suggest that you remain in the application until you receive the confirmation email. If despite these actions your order still does not complete, please send an email to [email protected] so that we can investigate the issue.

Order Sent to the Wrong Store

Photos are sent to be printed from the store indicated in the PICKUP STORE INFORMATION section of the checkout screen. If the store is incorrectly entered or, for example, a store previously used, but not the desired Walgreens for this particular order, customers may find themselves at a location without their prints. As a reminder, the email “Order confirmed!” contains the address of the Walgreens that was selected for pickup.

You can also verify the store address for an order in your order history. Tap on the order in question to see the address in the PICKUP DETAILS section.

If you find that your order was printed at the wrong store, we suggest reordering your prints. You can do this by tapping on the REORDER button in red in the order history dashboard. Be sure to modify your pickup store information in the checkout screen by tapping on the word Change to the right of the store address before resubmitting this order.

Order Overlooked or Poorly Filed

If you received the email confirmation notifying you that your order is ready to be picked up from the correct store and, if after receiving this message the Photo Center technician says they can’t find your order, we suggest first asking them to look more closely through the orders and eventually spelling your name for the clerk.

Should the order still remain unfound, you can reorder your prints from your order history. For more about how to reorder prints, click here.

If none of these situations apply to your order, please let us know via email at [email protected] so that we can make sure that nothing went wrong in the app.

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